There are some very large snails in Timmerlah, and I photographed this one today crossing the pavement, a 5 cent coin is beside it for scale. It poured with rain early Thursday morning, I think it was the same low pressure system that crossed the west of England on Wednesday, and it bought out all the snails for a drink of water. By lunchtime the cloud had cleared, and we are now into a heatwave again, with a temperature of 23c today, 27c tomorrow and 32c and 33c over the weekend, and with more to come next week. This afternoon I went to our reading group in a friend's house, where we read another of Roald Dahl's short stories entitled "Lamb to the Slaughter."
Mr Dahl manages to write really creepy stories in a few simple sentences, and can conjure up horror in a few words, how very clever. We sat in the garden, and taking turns, read the story whilst drinking cups of tea and eating M's really tasty cherry cake. It was a lovely afternoon. The photo shows G hiding behind a vase of flowers, with cups of tea in the foreground and the cherry cake and biscuits waiting to be consumed. We left around 18.40, and J and G took me to the nearest tram stop where I caught a tram to choir practise in Gliesmaroder Turm. For economies sake, we now have to practise in a smaller room, and last evening it was very warm and the piano was suffering from the heat and a little off tune.
In spite of the heat we sang a mixture of English and German songs very well, all in preparation for our next sing out on Sunday afternoon, September 2nd, the day before I fly home again. I shall shed tears of regret!
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