A model of 5.300 year old Ötzi, as he was found buried in ice, high up in the Alps on the Austrian/Italian border.
The exhibition in the State Museum in Braunschweig was extremely interesting and well displayed, doubly so, as the information was in both German and English. Usually I have to read all the information in German, and as good as my German is, there are still many technical words I cannot decipher. Life was easy this time, as I read the German, then glanced over to the English for the words I did not know.
Ötzi´s is named after the Ötz Valley in the Alps, where he was found 3.210 metres high up on the Austrian/Italien border.
Ötzi´s axe, complete with wooden handle and bindings were found preserved in the ice.
The museum managed to give the impression of objects seen through plastic ice, which was very effective. The finding of this man, complete with all his weapons and clothing, has helped researchers understand more about the life and times of people from the stone age.
Flint arrow head tips found in the ice.
Ötzi in full splendour in a side room, approached through a curtain for dramatic effect.
This life size model of Ötzi, complete with fur leggings, belts and a spear, is displayed in a side room. Approached through a curtain from the outside, you have no idea of what lies ahead, and it came as a shock to come across such a life like figure so suddenly. It is a wonderful model of an ancient man, complete with tattoos on various parts of his body. It was made my two Dutch men, who were able to construct his body using his skeleton as a reference.
Tattoos on Ötzi´s body.
Ötzi the Iceman while still frozen in the glacier, photographed by Helmut Simon upon the discovery of the body in September 1991
A diagram showing the tattoo marks on Özti´s body.
Researchers have found that the tattoos, made by rubbing charcoal onto the skin, and then cutting and rubbing the black dye into the skin, correspond to those points on the body used for acupuncture. Scientists believe that the tattoos are not for decoration, but perhaps to relieve pain in various parts of the body.
Ötzi fully dressed in the reconstructed clothing found near to the discovery of his body.
This model is so interesting, because for the first time, it became possible to cloth a stone age man in exact replicas of his clothing. Everything is made from natural materials, and the stitch marks, using bone needles was perhaps the most interesting feature of all.
This is one of the most interesting exhibitions I have ever visited, and I hope that maybe it can come to the GB later in 2017. For more detailed information, please read the Wikipedia link.
Ötzi the Iceman while still frozen in the glacier, photographed by Helmut Simon upon the discovery of the body in September 1991
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