Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The New English Speaking Hobby Group.

My pathetic attempt at embroidery.
The photo left, shows my rather pathetic attempt at some embroidery today. This represents two hours work, well with a  great deal of chat to my friends in between.  The idea is good, it's the implementation that is the problem. I think I will take up knitting instead. The weather has been most unpleasant today, with two long spells of cold rain and no sunshine.  My embroidery is always better when the sun shines.  I hope our group will eventually have six members, quite enough for my flat, although we decided today to "do the rounds," and visit one another's homes, sit in the garden when the weather is good, drink tea and eat cake.   I do need another cardigan, so I think I will buy some wool and knitting needles, and get down to some serious creative work, well, that is the plan at the moment!

Tomorrow I'm visiting the Schloss Museum with a friend I have met recently through the "Hobbyboerse," a contact group rather like our U3A.  I've offered to speak English to anyone who would like to improve their skills, and have four people interested already.  One of the ladies would like an English speaking walking group, so that is a good idea for a fine weather, afternoon's activity.   Kay, one of the group,  lives in Weststadt, and we can see each another's homes across the fields.  This Friday I will sing with a small choir for the first time, once again with singers I've met through the "Hobbyboerse."  Life remains interesting, but my German is always better when the sun shines.
The fields being sprayed with something, I think the crop is animal winter feed.   The view shows a distant Weststadt, with a white tram at the Weserstrasse tram stop, and to the right, the high rise flat belonging to a friend who wants to improve her spoken English.  We live near enough to semaphore "Goodnight, sleep tight" to one other in both languages. 

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