It rained yesterday afternoon, and with the approaching black clouds and a thunder clap, I thought I'd have to cancel my evening visit to the Stadtparkrestaurant. When the rain stopped, a rainbow appeared over the Weststadt Weserstrasse tram terminal, and a big patch of blue sky arrived to cheer my spirits. The trip to the restaurant was on! Timmerlah is a small village some 4 miles outside Braunschweig, and unless I walk to the tram stop, I have to catch a bus and a tram to travel into the city. Coming back late at night is not always easy, although if I get my timing right, I can step on a tram, step off, then climb straight onto the bus to Timmerah.
Six of us met in the Stadtparkrestaurant and spoke English most of the time. I drank just one small beer, while the others tucked into currywurst, chicken salad and other assorted, tasty looking meals. The restaurant is newly reopened, I remember seeing it last year, when it looked very unkempt, and with a big white lion in the garden much in need of a clean. It is now a thriving business, especially on a warm night when you can sit out under the trees lit with coloured lights, and drink with friends. I took a photo, which came out very dark and blurred, so next time I go I'll take another.
I walked back into the city along Jasperallee, a really lovely tree lined street with some beautiful old houses. Below is the Theatre, badly damaged during the war, fully restored and now thriving. A rather interesting fountain of plants, fish and strange creatures, plays in front of the main entrance during the day. The photo at the bottom shows the Schloss, floodlit at night, and with the Quadriga aloft.
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