Sunday, 6 May 2012

On the Banks and Bridges of the River Oker.

A floating cafe, complete with a guide, passes under the bridge in Helmstedter Strasse
The River Oker flows gently around Braunschweig,  which is the reason why the town developed here in the first place.  It was possible to ford the shallow river at this point, and a small town began to grow up on its banks, with 861AD being the first possible mention of a settlement here, built on an earlier Saxon settlement laid waste by Charlemagne.  The river flows around the city, having been diverted in places to form a defensive moat around the castle.  It is possible to take a boat trip around the city with a guide, and view life at duck level.
The bridge at Am Theater. At night little red and yellow lights glow under this bridge.

Green, and more lush green reflections in the slowly flowing river.

The new, functional bridge at Am Fallersleber Tore and Humboltstrasse.
This new bridge above, has made my life a lot easier.  It was closed, demolished and rebuilt, but took two years to complete, because the first construction company went bust in the middle of building.  I watched its construction during my last two visits here, and read with glee in the Braunschweiger Times that it finally opened on 10th November 2011.

I can now do my journey to the Monday English groups on one tram, instead of having to change to a bus in the city.  It is not as graceful as the older bridges, but is functional and will weather with the seasons.  The Botanical Gardens can be seen in the background.

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