Thursday, 19 July 2012

"Gliesmaroder Turm" and Singing on "Radio Okerwelle" FM 104.6

The photo left shows a storm looming above Braunschweig at 4pm  this afternoon.  It was as if night had come, and 10 minutes later the heavens opened with torrential rain and high winds.  I took shelter in a glass roofed Shopping Mall, and watched the rain beating down upon the roof. This is the worst summer weather I have experienced in my four years of visits here.   Never mind, apparently a change is on the way, and the jetstream is set to move further north and bring some warmer, drier weather, not only here but to the UK too. 

I was in town early to catch the 4.40pm  S-Bahn to "Gasthaus Gliesmaroder Turm" in Berliner Strasse, for an early choir practice, for at 7pm our conductor was going to "Radio Okerwelle 104.6 FM" to talk about our choir and to play a CD of our singing.   Fame at last!  I hope to tune in at 8pm and listen to the programme.

The photos below show the "Gasthaus" where we hold our choir practices.  The modern exterior hides an older building which was built before 1406 on the old Market trade route, as a fortified tower for the Brunswick Militia.   It was destroyed in the sieges of the city in 1492 and 1550 but later rebuilt.  In 1763 it was sold and demolished, but in 1763 this guest house was built on the site.   

The Guesthouse with beer garden to the rear.
The tower has rooms on several different levels, in an assembly of half timbered structures, and the western side is partly slate-clad. At the moment red geraniums are blooming in the windowboxes, and below you can see the main entrance.  We sing in an upper room, where from time to time bats arrive and fly around during our practice.  You may remember that one evening last year 15 or so were swirling around the room without knocking into us or to one another.

The main entrance with geraniums blooming in the windowboxes.

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