Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Music Circus in the Domplatz

It is freezing cold here and I'm wearing a thick cardigan and socks again!  This time last Wednesday the temperature was 34c, this week it is 13c. Summer?  I found this draft for a blog hidden at the bottom of all my others, and I had forgotten all about it.  It shows an interesting occasion in the Domplatz that took place a couple of Sundays ago.  It was called "Music Circus," and was based on an idea by John Cage, the American composer, to invite music groups from around the city, and invite them to get together for a day and make music, any kind of music.   As you can guess, it was great fun, as all the groups were playing or singing something different all at once!  

The photo above shows the " Braunschweig Barrel Organ Players," who had to work really hard to keep the music going.  This Youtube clip will give you some idea of how they sounded.

Samba Band.

I'm not a great fan of samba bands, as the sound is too repetitive,often without a break or resolution of the rhythm.    The best band I ever heard was in the 2009 Devizes carnival, when a samba group played, but with sudden long pauses, on which your ear hung until the sound regenerated.   It was great fun, and prompted me to join a local group, only to find that we were all given earplugs before we played a single sound!   As a lover of the music of JS Bach, it was not quite for me.   The group above were in the "same sound, all the time, without a break," category!

The Traditional Brass Band

The young lady playing the drums. was also blowing a whistle, as when directed.  She was great fun to watch, and her whistle blowing was a feat of breath control and endurance!  This was a traditional German brass band, who once they's got into their rhythm,  were not easy to stop.  I thoroughly enjoyed their playing, and came away from the Domplatz realising once again, how music unites the world.   We all need to sing and dance and make music.

The Children making sounds department!

Several school choirs were in the Domplatz, either singing or making sounds.  One group of students were sitting at tables, beating out rythms on the table top with kitchen implements, and singing the while.   All good fun, and a good idea for a happening in Hillworth Park, Devizes one of these days, that's if it's not stifled in its infancy by "Health and Safety."

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